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Anybody burning Oil on 2.0T engine?

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  • [F26] Anybody burning Oil on 2.0T engine?


    I did a complete engine rebuilt and started the engine today at idle

    after 10 minutes a strange sound was coming from engine, and it slows in RPM and engine stops running

    I removed the cam covers and see that there is no oil coming into the hollow camshafts and then I see the wear in the cam alu holder.

    does someone know what the problem is ?

    Any idea?

    Please help.

    I did not find the right solution from the internet.

    Zuletzt geändert von PoWder; 15.12.2017, 08:12. Grund: PoWder

  • #2
    AW: Anybody burning Oil on 2.0T engine?

    Zitat von Donnieclark Beitrag anzeigen
    ...does someone know what the problem is ?
    Yes i know it! The Problem is YOU!

    Bye Bye Donnieclark. SPAM some other Forums.


    If you really have Problems, the german word for the five year old Problem is "Ölverdünnung". You will find the right solution from the Internet. Trust me.


    Donnieclark schickt hier einen Link zu einem 5 Jahre Beitrag im Audiforum und im anderen Thread zu einem 5 Jahre alten BMW-Forum.
    Der Link zu einer Videobearbeitungssoftware war bestimmt nur Zufall, genau wie die email-Adresse, die etwas mit videobearbeitung zu tun hat.

    Auf so eine Scheixxe haben wir wenig Lust.
    Zuletzt geändert von PoWder; 15.12.2017, 08:19.
    Gruß aus dem Salzlandkreis

