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DIY garage door opener from GREECE

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  • DIY garage door opener from GREECE

    Dear friends..I read this forum for a long time , and you have helped me a lot in choosing my car. A X3 2.0i.
    So I want to share with you A DIY project for the X3. Sorry for writing in English but I don't know German.....

    Today I completed a very simple and very useful project for my X3 .It is possible to be done for other BMW models with the appropriate switch.
    I was looking for a place to put the garage remote control in my car, but I was not satisfied with nothing. I looked and solutions such as Homelink but it was too expensive.
    So I do it my way ...
    My X3 has the panorama roof and the ceiling console has space for other switches. So I ordered from Ebay a switch identical to switch that the car already has , for 12 euros.

    Then I opened the garage door remote control and found the microswitch. I measured with a multimeter and found the points that make short circuit when we press the button, and then I connected the cables from the car's switch (he has a total of five cables because it goes back and forth and pressed up, I used only those used in the direction "forward")

    With a special tool (I use a kitchen plastic knife of my wife .. ha ha ..) I took out the ceiling console. Comes out very easily, simply pull down and unbutton!

    I removed the plastic cap covering the position of the switch, I installed the new one , and secured the remote with double sided tape inside the roof console, and ready !!!!!!!!
    Now the garage door opens from the OEM switch on the roof console and everything looks OEM!

    Here and images from the installation


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  • #2
    AW: DIY garage door opener from GREECE

    Well done!
    Grüße aus Berlin 2,5iA 3.0siA


    • #3
      AW: DIY garage door opener from GREECE

      Gratulation. Good job...
      Unser Xi genehmigt sich momentan

      sigpicGruß Thorsten


      • #4
        AW: DIY garage door opener from GREECE

        ... a stroke of genius

        i will try to copy that idea with my new F25 and a sommer-garage-door-opener ... in september
        Zuletzt geändert von uotbf12; 15.03.2011, 13:39.
        MfG Markus
        das Allgäu ... leben und arbeiten wo andere Urlaub machen


        • #5
          AW: DIY garage door opener from GREECE

          Fabulous idea. I would like to copy that as my homelink is not working at all. My only problem is (as an electronic genious :-) ) how to find the correct points to weld the cables on to my exhisting opener. How can I measure that???

          Can anybody help me here, or show me? I have the garage opener from Hörmann, I think it is the type HS 2.
          [...Platzhalter für einen superschlauen Profilspruch...]


          • #6
            AW: DIY garage door opener from GREECE

            Very good idea indeed.

            Last thing would be to take the 12V of the car and use this as a powersupply for teh remote control.

            THere must be also other switches (maybe even nicer/easier ones) that fit into this area, but overall a very nice and good solution.

            I am still looking on how to fit the 3.8L Engine of my E34 M5 into the X3. If you have some information about that, you are highly welcomed. PLease include pictures of that as well. :-) LOL :D

            Man kann ein Auto nicht wie ein menschliches Wesen behandeln - ein Auto braucht Liebe (Walter Röhrl)


            • #7
              AW: DIY garage door opener from GREECE


              und ich bin mal wieder die Spaßbremse und sage:

              „Ich dachte wir sind hier ein deutschsprachiges Forum“
              Viele Grüße


              • #8
                AW: DIY garage door opener from GREECE

                Zitat von x3-08 Beitrag anzeigen

                und ich bin mal wieder die Spaßbremse und sage:

                „Ich dachte wir sind hier ein deutschsprachiges Forum“
                Warum das den Joachim. Wir fahren doch nicht mal ein deutsches Auto!!!:D:D:D
                Gewöhn dich schon mal dran an das Englische, falls du mal einen F25 bekommst. Der versteht dich sonst nicht...!
                [...Platzhalter für einen superschlauen Profilspruch...]


                • #9
                  AW: DIY garage door opener from GREECE

                  Zitat von x3-08 Beitrag anzeigen

                  und ich bin mal wieder die Spaßbremse und sage:

                  „Ich dachte wir sind hier ein deutschsprachiges Forum“
                  haste ja recht, aber wenn der griechische Kollege Englisch kann, ist das doch schon prima :D
                  Mein Griechisch ist jedenfalls nicht sooo gut...
                  Grüße aus Berlin 2,5iA 3.0siA

